Businesses in Northern Europe - CONNECTED

The Nordic Scot Business Network is a membership organisation which builds on the long established business relationships between Scotland and the Nordic countries.

Informal networking events allow you to connect and engage with other members and companies on a monthly basis. These friendly events will allow you to meet other members of the Nordic Scot Business community in a relaxed setting – be it a business breakfast, a networking lunch or slightly less formal networking drinks. You can guarantee that they will be friendly, social events designed to expand your network connections.
But it is not all just business – there are plans to involve the whole family by arranging Family events during the year – celebrating National days, Christmas and Midsummer.

Bernie Allison - General Manager
Bernie is an experienced business owner with years of experience of working in event management. Skilled in negotiation, business planning, communication and event management.
Being a member of the Nordic Scot Business Network gives you exclusive access to a range of events and opportunities that will help you and your business get ahead.